13 Ways to Lose Weight Fast and Naturally

13 Ways to Lose Weight Fast and Naturally


Having a healthy and fit body with ideal weight is the desire of many people. Because, this is also a reference for body health so that it is free from various diseases. Unfortunately, not a few people do instant ways to lose weight without considering the effects.

Actually, the rise and fall of a person's weight depends on the calorie intake that enters the body and the number of calories burned when the body performs activities.

Excessive calorie intake that is not balanced with regular exercise or physical activity can trigger weight gain. This is because the body will store unused calories in the form of fat.

How to Lose Weight Fast

This is why, in order to lose weight, of course the calorie intake that enters the body must be less. In addition, you also have to increase the duration of physical activity so that the body can break down fat and convert it into energy.

In fact, there are many ways to lose weight that you can try, for example:

1. Consuming protein at breakfast

A study in the BMJ Journals states that protein works by controlling appetite hormones.

This intake makes you feel full longer because it increases the hormones that trigger satiety, namely cholecystokinin, peptide YY, and GLP-1.

Find out what High Protein Food Choices are Good for Health, can be used as an efficient and nutritious breakfast menu.

2. Reduce sugar and processed carbohydrates

The next way to lose weight is to reduce the intake of processed carbohydrates and sugar. The reason is, processed carbohydrates do not contain fiber and other important nutrients.

In addition, the body is easier to digest and convert processed carbohydrates into glucose, making you hungry faster.

Meanwhile, excess glucose that enters the bloodstream can trigger an increase in insulin hormone levels. This results in excess fat storage in adipose tissue which triggers weight gain.

3. Increase fiber intake

Fiber intake can increase satiety so that you don't tend to overeat. This can be one way to lose weight quickly. Foods rich in fiber that you can consume are fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains.

4. How to lose weight by exercising regularly

Exercising regularly is also one way to lose weight naturally and quickly. In addition, you can do this cheap and cheerful activity at any time. Start by doing physical activities with light to moderate intensity. For example, walking briskly for 30 minutes, cycling, or swimming.

5. Get enough sleep

In fact, lack of sleep can slow down the process of converting calories into energy. This process is called metabolism. When it does not take place optimally, the body will store unused energy as fat.

In addition, sleep duration also affects the control of the hormones leptin and ghrelin. Both are appetite-regulating hormones. If sleep time does not match needs, levels of these two hormones will increase which triggers weight gain.

6. Don't skip breakfast

The next way to lose weight is to not skip breakfast. In addition, also choose foods with balanced nutrition to increase energy.

A study in the BMJ Journals states that the ideal portion for breakfast is 30 or 39 grams of protein.

You can check the menu recommendations by clicking on the article Active All Day, Here are 7 Healthy and Energetic Breakfast Menus.

7. Lose weight by drinking green tea

Green tea is one of the healthy drinks that is an option for losing weight. This drink contains high antioxidants that can increase the fat burning process. For maximum results, you can choose powdered green tea or original brew without any additives and without adding sugar.

8. Eat enough

Eating enough is another way to lose weight. This means that you should not overeat until you feel full.

Because, this has the potential to make the body excess energy. It is better for you to eat small portions, rich in nutrients, and often.

9. How to lose weight by not eating when stressed

Eating when stressed or emotional eating can thwart the weight loss process. Instead of eating to manage stress or pressure that you feel, there's nothing wrong with trying meditation or hypnosis methods. In addition, you can try yoga, walking, or listening to music.

10. Fulfill your body's fluid needs

The human body consists of 60 percent water. This intake plays an important role in body function, including organs and tissues.

If well hydrated, the body will work more optimally in burning excess fat.

A study in Obesity (Silver Spring) found that obese women who consumed more than one liter of water per day for 12 months experienced a weight loss of more than two kilograms.

In addition, for people who are on a certain diet program to lose weight, drinking water is also beneficial in:

  • Suppressing appetite.
  • Increasing body metabolism.
  • Reducing liquid calorie levels.

11. Lose weight with intermittent fasting

A fairly effective way to lose weight is intermittent fasting or intermittent fasting. You can do this by fasting for 16 hours and eating within 8 hours every day.

If you do it consistently for 24 weeks, this method can prevent weight gain due to intake. excessive calories. For beginners, find out how to do this fast by clicking on the article How to Implement an Intermittent Fasting Diet for Beginners.

12. Consume probiotics

Foods containing probiotics work by balancing good bacteria in the intestines. This nutrient works by stimulating the growth and activity of good bacteria so that body weight is more controlled.

A study in Gut Microbes states that probiotics work by helping to break down fiber that cannot be absorbed and digested by the body by increasing the number of good bacteria in the intestines.

13. Eat more slowly

Finally, avoid eating too fast because it can put more calories into the body. In addition, this also makes the body unaware of the emergence of satiety signals. The solution is of course to eat more slowly so that the body can feel the satiety signals. That way, eating is not excessive.


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